My Airport Expeditions

Have you ever had to catch a flight so early that you just ended up going out the night before and staying up until you had to leave for the airport…

This is the second time I’ve done this in the past two months and it’s worked out quite well for me so far.

I’m on my way to Chicago for the weekend to visit my parents and I thought it would be a genius idea for me to book my flight so that I had to be at the airport at 5:45 am to catch a 7 am flight. By the way… apparently I’m not the only one with this genius idea because the security line literally was so long that it had a line to get into the security line…. Like DOES THAT EVEN HAPPEN? Is this real life?

Anyways… See the last time I did this I booked my flight for 6 am instead of 7, and well… that was just hell. I went downtown with my friends and ended up coming back to my apartment around 3 am and needed the taxi to be at my place by 4/4:20 ish.

Let me tell you… I barely remember that day. I ended up sleeping on the plane and then going straight to lunch with my mom where I proceeded to each sushi while having a fantabulous conversation with her. I had to have been up for over 30 hours that day…

So this time, same basic plan but booked my flight for an hour later than last time just to give myself a little more time to pack… because well… I’m the queen of procrastination and I never end up packing until the last minute… why do I put myself in these situations you ask… I have no idea.

This time I didn’t get to my apartment until 3:30 am and had my alarm set for 4(ish) so I would have time to pack.

Do you ever have those moments where your body is just so tired and your limbs hurt so much that you just need to lay down? Like I don’t even need to sleep… I’ll sleep when I’m dead… I just literally needed to rest my body for a good hour before I had to get up.

You know, I really think I have the hang of this thing. 7 am flights are a good thing for me… I think I can do this. I mean I would rather go out with friends on a Thursday night… have a good time… then proceed to get on a flight at the earliest possible moment… sleep on the plane (obviously)… but really I don’t want to waste the whole day at airports… no one wants to do that… that’s really just not so fun… you know? So I really think this time is going to work out for me from now on… minus the fact that every time I do it, I end up dreading it and just want to fall asleep… but as I said… I’ll sleep when I’m dead…

For now… Its time to rest my body and catch some Zzzz’s before I land in my city… my FAVORITE city… my home… Chicago


Posted on September 22, 2012, in ATX, Humor, September and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

  1. It totally works for me too. I was coming back from New Orleans this summer and my flight left at 5am. It was 4am when i arrived to the airport and it was PACKED beyond belief. I almost didnt catch my flight

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